To SRT Converter

Here is an application that allows you to convert TMPlayer, MicroDVD and MPL2 subtitle's files into SubRip ones. Here are all aplication features:
- It automatically searches given folders and all subfolders trying to find movie and all related subtitles.
- It detects 4 formats of text files: MicroDVD, TMPlayer, MPL2 and SubRip.
- It automatically detects FPS in avi file. If file is in different format, uses library MediaInfo to obtain FPS.
- It allows batch conversion formats of MicroDVD, TMPlayer, MPL2 to SubRip.
- Converted files are moved to backup folder (if backup option enabled), that allows restore previous file if there is a problem with conversion.
- There is an option to save converted file to different folder than move one, e.g. if converting file on CD.
- It automatically saves you last used options, so next run time there is no need to setup anything.
- There is additional console application which by default is using the same setting that was previously saved by Windows application. But if there is no settings
or different are required they can be overwritten by following options:
- -path (or -p) "path" - folder path where movies are stored, e.g. -p "D:\My Movies"
- -backuppath (or -bp) "path" - folder path where original subtitle file will be moved after conversion, e.g. -bp "D:\My Backup"
- -destinationpath (or -dp) "path" - folder path where converted files will be saved, e.g. -dp "D:\Subtitles"
- -nostamp (or -ns) - there will be no stamp added on the end of subtitle after conversion.
- -fixtags (or -fs) - it fixing tags left by other programs, e.g. MicroDVD ones in MPL2 file.
- -sourceencoding (or -se) - allows choose default encoding used during reading file (useful on Linux systems), e.g. -se windows-1250
- -destinationencoding (or -de) - allows choose which file encoding will be used in converted file, e.g. -de utf-8.
- -donotprocess (or -dnp) - allows ignore file in conversion, if SRT file with the same name for given movie exists.
- -mediainfopath (or -mip) - allows using MediaInfo console application instead of library.
- Note 1: Application requires .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to work.
- Note 2: Console application (ver. 2.0.0+) SHOULD work on Mono 2.10.5+. But only basic tests were done. Remember to add all necessary running arguments since there is no stored settings file on Linux.
- Note 3: You need to install Linux distribution version of MediaInfo to make it work.
If you found this application useful I'm happy. If you will find any problems or feature requests please let me know.
Please do not link files directly, just link to this page.
Application is supported on following forum.
Current Release (Downloads: 137295)
- To SRT Converter 2.1.0 - x86 (Portable) (Size: 1.53 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.1.0 - x64 (Portable) (Size: 1.57 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.1.0 - for Mono (Portable) (Size: 202.14 KB)
Previous Releases (Downloads: 95629)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.3 - x86 (Portable) (Size: 1.33 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.3 - x64 (Portable) (Size: 1.4 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.3 - for Mono (Portable) (Size: 175.97 KB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.2 - x86 (Portable) (Size: 1.33 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.2 - x64 (Portable) (Size: 1.4 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.2 - for Mono (Portable) (Size: 175.35 KB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.1 - x86 (Portable) (Size: 1.28 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.1 - x64 (Portable) (Size: 1.35 MB)
- To SRT Converter 2.0.1 - for Mono (Portable) (Size: 171.04 KB)
- To SRT Converter 1.1.5 - x86 (Portable) (Size: 851.69 KB)
- To SRT Converter 1.1.5 - x64 (Portable) (Size: 918.83 KB)
ver. 2.1.0
- Fix MicroDVD color conversion. MicroDVD color is not RGB, unless it starts from #.
- Added support for MicroDVD stroke tag conversion.
- Added support for MicroDVD font size tag conversion.
- Added support for MicroDVD font face tag conversion.
- Fix tags settings will now also check for MPL2 / (italic) on the beggining of line.
- Added support for MicroDVD all lines tags.
ver. 2.0.3
- Fix Polish translation.
- Add option that allows using MediaInfo console application instead of library.
ver. 2.0.2
- Fix bug related to underline tag in MicroDVD format.
- Fix Polish translation.
- Add option that allows ignore file in conversion, if file SRT file with the same name for given movie already exists.
ver. 2.0.1
- Fix log folder issue on some Linux systems and Mono. Now always uses application folder as root folder.
ver. 2.0.0
- Upgrade to .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile.
- Change user interface.
- Add support for multiple subtitles per movie, e.g. subtitles English and Polish.
!!! important - subtitle name need to start as movie file name. - Add multitasking, now searching is about 1/3 faster.
- Add log file.
- Change logic while searching, now movies and subtitles are matched on fly.
- Add possibility to setup multiple movie folders at ones.
- For GUI application there is possible only one running instance at once, to avoid problems with the same folders searching at the same time.
- Console application is also multitasking now.
- Add option to fix tags left by other programs, e.g. MicroDVD tags in MPL2 file.
- Add stamp to the end of subtitle after conversion.
- Add possibility to choose source encoding if auto detection will fail.
- Add possibility to choose destination file encoding.
- Add new options to console application to support all new settings.
ver. 1.1.5
- Fix bug with terminate searching files if there were no access to folder.
- Add information which folder is now searched.
ver. 1.1.4
- Add option that allows choose destination folder. Useful when source file is on CD.
- New option in console application: -destinationpath (or -dp) "path" - path where files will be stored.
- Removed "No backup" option. To not backup files just no select backup path.
ver. 1.1.3
- Improved speed of reading files - now FPS is read only for MicroDVD subtitles.
ver. 1.1.2
- Fix problem when file before conversion has the same name like after conversion one, e.g. MicroDVD with extension srt.
- Now text boxes with paths are editable.
ver. 1.1.1
- Fix initializing of MediaInfo library.
- Add message if there is a problem with initializing MediaInfo library.
ver. 1.1.0
- Application redesign
- Add option "No backup". With this option source files are not moved to backup folder after conversion.
- Add new console application.
ver. 1.0.4
- Fix for wrong MicroDVD format ({1}{0}). Now for that kind of file as well as TMPlayer one default subtitle duration time is set to 5 seconds.
- Fix searching for MicroDVD special tags.
ver. 1.0.3
- Small fixes.
- Added multithreading - now application is more responsive.
ver. 1.0.2
- Small fixes related to movie/subtitle pair searching.
ver. 1.0.1
- Fixed bug with date conversion.
ver. 1.0.0
- Initial release.